Hi Folks, This month is all about promoting Australian authors of fantasy, sci-fi and horror! The Oztober Promotion has run for the last few years and features discounted titles from Aussie authors. Altaica is .99c until the end of October… Continue Reading →
Doomsday’s Child by Pete Aldin (Published 2017) Doomsday’s Child is a rip roaring, flesh rending zombie fest – with class. Aldin manages to tick all the boxes you’d expect with this well-crafted story. Set in Tasmania, the novel revolves around… Continue Reading →
Cassandra by Kathryn Gossow (Pub: Odyssey Books, 2017) Cassandra by Kathryn Gossow is a modern take on the myth of Cassandra of Troy, a woman who had the gift of prophecy but was cursed so that no one would believe… Continue Reading →
Songlines (The Sentinels of Eden, Book One) by Carolyn Denman (Pub: Odyssey Books, 2016) Firstly, I must confess that I know the author, but this did not affect my review. If I had not liked the book, I simply would… Continue Reading →
Book Review Heart of Brass (The Antipodean Queen Bk1) by Felicity Banks (Pub: Odyssey Books, 2016) How could I resist steam punk set in colonial Australia? Felicity Banks’ debut novel Heart of Brass, was everything I was hoping it would… Continue Reading →
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